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Danielle's Reading Adventures

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Second and Third Thoughts

Claimed for Makarov's Baby/Christmas at the Castello (The Bond of Billionaires #1)Claimed for Makarov's Baby/Christmas at the Castello by Sharon Kendrick

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wow, this is one of the rare HP books where I felt like the hero was really slimy. I am judging, but it's how I felt. I mean, this dude was pretty sleazy the way he was living his life. While playboy heroes are part and parcel of HP books, he takes it to the next level. I'm not a big fan of keeping paternity from a father without a very good reason, but in this case, I supported Erin's decision 100%. The way she sees him the last time before she walks out out of his life, when she comes to tell him about the baby, eww! It was perhaps fair that she did question whether her decision was to some extent based on her feelings of being rejected by Makarov. I felt for her that she fell in love with him. I'm not sure there was much to love about him. At the end of the book, I think he had realized that a wife and a child was the life he wanted, but his treatment of Erin through the book wasn't what I desire/expect/appreciate in a hero. He never earns my respect. It's sad, because I do love my Russian heroes, but this guy doesn't make my list by a long shot. I liked Erin. I wish she didn't become such a walking bag of hormones for him though. I did like the tidbits about Russian culture that add a lot of depth to the story. I had just found out about dachas just prior to reading this book, and it shows up here as well. Three stars is a tough rating, but hero fails my Litmus test, so there you have it.

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