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Danielle's Reading Adventures

Reading is my favorite hobby, hands down. Books are love to me.  I am an avid collector, and paper books will always edge out e-books with me.

The School for Heiresses

The School for Heiresses - Sabrina Jeffries, Liz Carlyle, Julia London, Renee Bernard My two favorites were the Sabrina Jeffries story and the Liz Carlyle story. The Sabrina Jeffries story was sizzling with Colin, who is half-Indian and who recently inherited the Barony although his English family wanted to deny that his father was legally married to his Indian wife. He is Simon from Only A Duke Will Do's cousin. I really liked his chemistry with a plus-size hoyden in too tight pants who didn't give one whit that he was half-Indian. This was my favorite.I also enjoyed the Liz Carlyle story about the half-Black niece to Kieran from Never Romance a Rake. It was a bit angsty, but you can guess why I liked it. :)I am sad to say I found the other two stories rather forgettable. Otherwise I would have given this volume five stars.