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Danielle's Reading Adventures

Reading is my favorite hobby, hands down. Books are love to me.  I am an avid collector, and paper books will always edge out e-books with me.

Angel of Darkness

Angel of Darkness (Harlequin Presents, #1712) - Lynne Graham Wow! This was a fantastic book! Intense, passionate, well-written. I found both characters complex and compelling. Their bond was so emotionally powerful, I couldn't stop reading about it. And the payoff makes it all worthwhile.Kelda holds her own against Angelo. She is not a pushover by any means. She was tough. Yes, she allowed Angelo to think the worst of her, but in a way, I liked it, because it was brave and ballsy of her. I really dislike when the heroine in these books is so willing to be walked on just because they are sexually attracted/in love with the hero. Even though Kelda is very susceptible to him, she still has a toughness about it, despite that. She was unwilling to be used or manipulated by this man, merely because she had loved him for so many years. I could feel the turmoil and pain that Kelda suffers, and understand her uncertainty and fears. Angelo starts out a guy I wanted to hit with a frying pan, hard! But even then, I was like, "There's something to this guy." I loved how LG took me on this journey of discovery with Angelo. I think out of many HP heroes I've read, Angelo suffered a lot for his love of Kelda, and I felt for him and I was glad he won Kelda's heart. He earned it. When he opens up to her, I definitely fell in love with him, so I can see why Kelda did before that.This was a book that I dived into head first, and I never came out until I was done reading. This is going to be a favorite by Lynne Graham, because she delivered so much in this short read. In that 1.5 hours, I was utterly engaged emotionally, feeling the pangs in my heart as I suffered along with Angelo and Kelda. I also cheered and felt their joy in realizing how deeply they loved and were loved by one another.Thumbs way up!