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Danielle's Reading Adventures

Reading is my favorite hobby, hands down. Books are love to me.  I am an avid collector, and paper books will always edge out e-books with me.

Moonshine - Rob Thurman After more than a year away from reading Nightlife, I thought my love for this series would be a fluke. I'd read the second book, and the thrill would be gone. Not even close. What a fantastic world Ms. Thurman has created. I don't know how she managed to bring two characters to life that I love so much. Cal has really come into his own. He's still a major smart-aleck, with some self-hate issues, but he's even more lethal as a warrior, incredibly strong-minded, and fiendishly clever, although so self-deprecating you would think he was useless. I have found that he is starting to sneak up in my affections, although Niko has claimed my heart. Ah, Niko, would you marry me? I just love this man. Too bad he's not real. He of the razor sharp sword that he wields with deadly precision. His exquisitely neat housekeeping skills. He cooks beautifully. His discipline and calm. The fact that he is more deadly than the Ebola virus. And then there's his love for his younger brother. Who could ask for anything more? Just reading about these two guys doing, well nothing, is enough for me. But, thankfully, Ms. Thurman has created a whole new adventure for these fellows. It's a roller-coaster ride from the very beginning. There are moments where the pace slows down for a little bit, to allow the reader to catch her/his breath, but then it's off again. I lost count of the number of times that either Cal or Niko got injured and needed medical attention. Be assured that their adversaries fared worse.I like what Ms. Thurman did with the werewolf lore, although her weres come off looking not-so-glamorous. And there are plenty of other mythical creatures in this story, adding to the pizazz and overall character of the New York and sundry that Cal and Niko live and fight to stay alive in. This book veers into horrific and dark fantasy territory, which is another thing I like about it. Who knew the modern world could be such a scary place full of beasties that made the fairy tales just that little bit macabre, that you didn't think were real? Well they are, at least in this series.Niko's relationship with Promise, he and Cal's vampire co-partner in their detective business, has blossomed beautifully. It's pretty obvious how much this tenderhearted, elegant, but deadly when it's necessary vampiress cares for him. Who can blame her? Cal's love life would be looking good if he would let the fair Georgina into his heart. But his fear about what his auphe side would bring to life is causing him to keep her at a distance. But it's apparent to pretty much everyone just how much he cares for his little seer.Robin Goodfellow, boon companion to the brothers, returns. He keeps things light when necessary, yet kicks butt like it's going out of style. He has connections like you wouldn't believe, aiding in getting very difficult things accomplished, fights at the brothers' side, while flirting with Niko (who he has the hots for, who can blame him?). It's impossible not to love him, morally flexible, pansexual flirt that he is.Just like Nightlife, this lovely noirish urban fantasy story about Cal and Niko Leandros has established a place in my heart and on my keeper shelf. It makes me want to dive right into the next book in the series, Madhouse, to spend more time with these guys, who I love dearly. You probably noticed that.