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Danielle's Reading Adventures

Reading is my favorite hobby, hands down. Books are love to me.  I am an avid collector, and paper books will always edge out e-books with me.

Texas-Sized Temptation - Sara Orwig I don't read that many books where I think the hero needs to grow up and stop being a big baby. This is one of them. I mean, really? You are sick of your dad meddling, so you refuse to get married this year, no matter what. So you will shoot yourself in the foot and spurn a billion dollar inheritance just because Daddy Dearest is too bossy? Don't get me wrong. I'm all for independence and being your own person. But this guy was taking it way too far. Especially when you nearly let the woman you love slip through your fingers because you don't want Daddy telling you what to do. When you take it this far, you are still Daddy's Little Tool. I guess it's obvious I didn't think much of the hero, Jake. I didn't. He was immature, spoiled, and rather shallow. The best thing he could say about Caitlin was that she was beautiful and he wanted to make love to her. I guess that's a bee in my bonnet. I think women would like to be known as more than just physically attractive, beautiful and sexy, and for a guy to spend most of their time with them in activities other than trying to seduce them into bed because she's beautiful. I'm not saying he's not a good guy, but I think he was lacking for a 34-year-old man. I could see a guy who was in his twenties being more like Jake.Caitlin was a decent heroine. I respect her fears of casual relationships and jumping into intimacy, consider she was an illegitimate child abandoned by both parents. I think she played a dangerous game with all the flirting and deep kisses and heavy petting she was trading, half the time not entirely certain she wasn't doing it because she wanted him to sell her back her Grandmother's house, and the other half because she was wildly attracted to Jake. And yet, knowing he wasn't interested in a commitment, you keep going out on overnight dates with the guy? Do you think he wants to play chess and Dungeons and Dragons all night? This is one of those romance books that lasted 60 pages longer than it needed to. I felt like the same scene kept playing over and over again. "Sell me the house.""Maybe. Ask me in a few days. Kiss me.""Okay." Hot kisses. "Now will you sell me the house?""I'm not ready to say. Go out with me and let me spend lots of money so you can see what a bigshot I am. (so I can get you in bed.)""Okay, but I'm not going to bed with you." More kisses. "Are you ready to sell now?""Not yet. You're so beautiful." More kisses. "Go out with me again.""Okay, but I won't sleep with you.""Whatever. I totally respect you. (for now anyway.)"And then it was... "I love you but Daddy won't let me play in my own sandbox.""Well I don't want to play with you with no commitment.""But I loves you.""But Daddy won't like it. Can't make Daddy angry, can you? I need a guy who's not afraid of Daddy. Bye."That didn't exactly work for me. This wasn't a bad book, but I think like I little more story in my romances than that, and a hero who acts his age.