This was my first Jo Beverley and I was underwhelmed. Too bad, because I love the arranged marriage/marriage of convenience theme, and I do like my bluestocking heroines. I'm glad I decided to read her again after this one. I didn't like Lucien at all, and I found Beth rather cold. I wasn't buying the romance in this one, and I felt like I never got pulled into the story. But I do have to say that Beverley is a great writer, because I did finish the book. I liked that Lucien's mistress, Blanche Hardcastle, kicked Lucian to the curb after she found out he got married. That was a bravo from this reader. I hate when the hero keeps his mistress after he gets married! I might have try and read it again and see if I like it better the second time, since I fell in love with the Company of Rogues after reading [b:Forbidden|88494|Forbidden (Company of Rogues)|Jo Beverley||1890680]. This one's definitely my least favorite in the series so far.